

Islamic Parenting, Actualization Islamic Education in Q.S. Luqman: 12-19


This article discusses the actualization of Islamic education in Islamic
parenting in the Luqman family story with the aim of providing
explanations and real solutions to parents about how parents educate
children by taking the example of family education conducted by Luqman.
First, Luqman began his advice to his son by calling for avoiding shirk
while at the same time containing teachings about the form of the One
God, because the act of shirk is a great tyranny. Second, worship
education, teaches children to worship God by performing prayer as a
pillar of religion that will help someone from vile and evil deeds. In
addition to prayer services, parents should also provide their children with
insight into other worship, such as fasting, zakat and pilgrimage. Third,
muamalah education, Luqman gave advice to his children to always do
good even though as heavy as mustard seeds, Allah SWT will reciprocate.
So also with bad deeds. Fourth, moral education, Luqman teaches children
to be patient and to behave well with fellow human beings, not to look
away and walk arrogantly (arrogant), to be simple in walking, and to
soften sounds when speaking.


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