
The idea put forward by Fazlur Rahman on Modernization of Islamic Education, namely: 1. Educational Objectives, Fazlur Rahman argues that the purpose of Islamic education must be oriented to the life of the world and the hereafter as well as sourced from the Qur'an. The psychological burden of Muslims in facing the West must be immediately eliminated to eliminate the psychological burden. Fazlur Rahman suggested that a comprehensive and historically comprehensive Islamic study be conducted on the development of Islamic disciplines such as theology, law, ethics, Hadith, social sciences, and philosophy, by holding on to the Qur'an as an appraiser. 2. The Education System, according to Fazlur Rahman, is to eliminate the dichotomy by integrating general science and religion 3. Students, Fazlur Rahman suggests that students must be given Qur'anic lessons, and students are given material in the disciplines of Islamic sciences 4. Educator, Fazlur Rahman offers several ideas, namely, recruiting students who have the best talent for Islam, educators must be trained at the center of Islamic studies abroad, and encourage educators to produce Islamic works creatively. 5. Educational facilities, Fazlur Rahman suggested that each library in an educational institution be equipped with Arabic and English-language books. According to Fazlur Rahman, in essence all the problems of "modernizing" Islamic education, namely making it capable of creative Islamic intellectual productivity in all fields.


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