

efforts, school principal, teachers’ performance


The development of quality educational institutions, often associated with the development of the quality of teachers. Because of teachers as educators who have a strategic position, it has a direct influence on the teaching and learning process of students. The quality of the results of the study is determined by the quality of the meetings between teachers and students. So that the quality of education in school graduates are depended on the teacher and the management of related components in the teaching and learning process. Based on data analysis, it was found that (1) the efforts of the school principal in improving the effectiveness of teachers performance generally are determined by three factors, namely: a) the role of the school principal, includes the formulation of a vision and mission, making plan of work program; b). The management of school and teachers, by applying the School-based management; c) the role of the teacher as a personality. (2) The efforts of increasing the effectiveness of teachers' performance supported by following factors, namely: an open attitude of the school principal, as well as the support is given to teachers, cooperative attitude of the Committee, the learning environment, as well as the participation of parents and the community. (3) the efforts undertaken in the increase the support and resistance are trying to maintain the values of Islamic teachings, keep blending religion with public knowledge (characteristic of religion). In addition to school principal and teachers and other parts of the school, always discuss and dialogue with the parties concerned, as well as perform the continuous evaluation. The school principal also gives a chance and the opportunity to the teachers to develop themselves, more creative, innovative, and competitive.



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