

Islamic Education Values, Surah Yusuf Verses 4-8


Islamic education is a physical and spiritual guidance to shape human personality. Knowledge of Islamic education can be obtained from various sources, one of which is the Qur'an which is a way of life for all Muslims. In the Qur'an contained Islamic teachings in the form of Aqeedah, Worship, Morals and others. In surah yusuf verses 4-8 there are values ​​of Islamic education that can be applied in everyday life in order to have an attitude like the Prophet Yusuf AS, namely (1) the value of the education of aqeedah, which is surrender to God Almighty by making tauhid, being obedient and obedient to Allah SWT and abstaining from shirk, the value of aqeedah education is contained in verse 6, (2) the value of moral education that is the value of secrecy and knowing maliciousness contained in verses 4 and 5, and the Value of Justice is found in verses 7 and 8.



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